FastTrack PPM Features
After carefully listening to the requirements of our customers, and constantly searching for additional automation benefits, we believe Fast Track PPM represents the powerful balance between features and ease-of-use.
Find out more about Fast Track PPM below. The movies, PDF and free trial reveal even more detail.
Introduction: Overview of PPM Tasks and Work Dates, inc. adjusting dates.
Issuing Jobs: Auto-Email jobs to service providers, or print them, or both.
Fast Track PPM is a low-cost, fully-featured and scalable maintenance management system. Fast Track PPM neatly dovetails with Fast Track Help Desk, providing asset and resource (parts, labour and materials) history for both planned and reactive work. Windows and Web interfaces are available.
A series of Business Benefits will be realised almost immediately the system is implemented. One of the key benefits is the increased perception of service level by the users of the rooms and desks. Benefits:
- Schedule maintenance, service and inspection tasks in a matter of seconds
- Centrally manage and issue work orders
- Save costs and reduce the man-hours needed to control your Help Desk
- Provide a faster delivery of service and increase customer service
- Reduce errors throughout the entire maintenance process
- Use powerful reporting functions for better managerial decisions
Intelligent Maintenance Scheduling
Scheduling planned maintenance tasks has never been easier. Fast Track PPM has been created with end-users in mind and the user-friendly interface and system Wizards make it one of the leading packages available today. The PPM Task Wizard allows users to create maintenance processes within seconds. A few simple clicks of the mouse can have the system scheduling works.
PPM Work Dates are set out in a graphical view to help quickly determine patterns and clashes. Work dates in the graphic view can be filtered by Building, Equipment Asset, Process and date range, and by using these filters, users can 'zoom in' to parts of the PPM plan and fine tune the actual work dates.
The Task Manager allows users create the perfect maintenance plan and maintain control over PPM processes, including suppression and timing options of individual jobs.
Work Order Monitoring
Issued maintenance tasks are automatically brought through to the Work Monitor section. Users can update the status of a job and Work Orders can easily be filtered to view all jobs of a certain type, for a specific building or for a particular contractor.
Records are kept in an audit trail and after work is carried out all details are recorded, including meter readings and other test readings.
Automatic Tasks Issuing
Fast Track PPM can either print Work Orders or automatically email them to employees and contractors. Attachments can be added to emails, such as OEM maintenance manuals, Health & Safety Guidelines, Risk Assessments, etc.
Asset Management
The process of Asset Management within Fast Track PPM includes all aspects of job history and running costs. Single assets, or groups of assets by location, standard type, customer, etc., can be analysed in summary or detail.
An Asset Job History pop-up which can show all jobs, or be filtered by PPM or Helpdesk. This can provide and invaluable link in the inter-relationship of planned and reactive work.
Users can define their own asset reading types, and then record the values when updating jobs. The Asset Job Readings chart view can show the inter-relationship of different readings.
Parts, Labour, Materials and Stock Control
The Work Monitor also manages an extensive array of resources. It contains a record of all parts used on a job and which store they were taken from. Any ad-hoc materials used can also be saved, along with their cost. The contractor/employee used on the job is selected from a menu and the number of standard hours and overtime can be input. The system automatically calculates the total cost of labour for the job, along with total costs for all parts and materials needed.
Stock levels and inventory are automatically updated with every transaction. Fast Track PPM operates real time stock control so users can see inventory numbers fall after a job and rise once a delivery has been.
Advanced Invoicing
Fast Track PPM will calculate the total cost for a job, including labour, parts and materials used and will automatically creates invoices to issue to customers.
Statistics on costs and invoices are held and updated within the system. Users can see the number of completed and closed jobs which have costs along with the number of invoices pending and a running total value of pending invoices.
As Fast Track PPM keeps records of all works it is easy for managers to accurately plan for resources based upon past performance. Analysis of work commitments by resource can be used to reduce peaks and troughs in the maintenance plan, and decisions on life costs, replacement rationale, etc. can be assisted by reviewing the work history and cost history of individual assets. Many performance measurement and analysis reports are provided and the software contains powerful reporting tools which enable users to build their own reports.
Intelligent Help Section
Fast Track PPM includes a customisable help section. The software will give different help items depending on where you are within the system. New help items can be added as and when needed, allowing the help to grow along with the system. All information held within the help section can be printed off as a help items book to act as a manual for users and show them how to use the software the way you want them too.